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The international tourism portal chose Kalá as one of the most outstanding hotels in Uruguay in three areas. A pride for the team.

The maximum score that Kalá Hotel Boutique receives again from the reviews of Trip Advisor, one of the most important and respected tourism pages in the world, earned it the Travelers' Choice Award 2017.

It was highlighted among many hotels in Uruguay in three specific areas and for the fourth consecutive year: the one that rates romantic hotels, the one that measures the attention to guests in all its aspects and a third that only analyzes small or boutique type.

The guest reviews are very good in their entirety and represent a great motivation for the entire team that works for the Hotel. A guest book always open and available in the hotel has become a great inspiration to keep service expectations at the highest.

Many thanks to Trip Advisor and all the guests!

Captura de pantalla 2024-07-26 a la(s) 13.53.37.png


Beautiful, wherever you look at it. The setting, decoration and Greek reminiscence leave you speechless. They should not miss visiting and staying in this beautiful Greek paradise.

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